
ー The Cosplay manufacture process ー

Using urethane (form), it is lightly strong and how to make costume play like a genuine article is explained. The usage of each material should read and use a handling description exactly. To this site, it does not have responsibility.

Picture 01

Tool A necessary minimum tool although it is [ that it is various and ], when processing urethane is the following. Scissors (thing in which the tip sharpened and which can perform fine work) L cutter (a thing more large-sized than an ordinary cutter) Ruler (MONOSASHI for long pictures, and set square for short 尺) Mat (as large thing as possible)。

picture 02

Adhesives the adhesives only for forms, and a quick-drying glue (convenient, when there is also an adhesion catalyst at the moment) -- the spatula (it piles -- a large -- it applies with a spatula -- small -- a spatula) which applies it and it -- * photograph -- Japanese products

Picture 03

Manufacture of a paper pattern An object is formed using pasteboard. There is also proper use by the kind of pasteboard.

Picture 04

Logging of urethane (form) Urethane (form) is started using the manufactured paper pattern. It will be easy to work if the four quarters are stopped by the pin so that a paper pattern may not shift.

Picture 05

Junction of urethane (form) Exclusive adhesives are applied to the started adhesion side of urethane (form). It is necessary to apply to the adhesion side of both of urethane (form) pasted up at this time. It joins, after drying to some extent, without patching immediately, if it finishes applying.

Picture 06

Curved surface processing of urethane (form) In plane composition, although it is OK with a logging side, in curved surface composition, it is. The heat press by heat processing is needed. After the processing method roasts two kind and urethane (form) over a moveable cooking stove etc. and mainly makes it soft, it is pressed against a moderate object, and it makes a curved surface. - Make urethane (form) in the form of a curved surface to some extent, and take an angle in slight roundness by heat treatment of an iron etc. A photograph is made by the latter method.

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